Crystal Williams-Foster

Senior Human Resources & Accounts Manager

Crystal Williams-Foster brings JAF an impressive foundation of an extensive professional background in both human resources and business management from the scale of small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. Crystal’s leadership experience has spanned executive and consulting roles where she has demonstrated exceptional prowess in the realms of HR, recruiting, on-boarding, payroll, marketing, and accounts management from. 

With a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Arizona State University, Crystal melds her profound understanding of human dynamics with a comprehensive knowledge of business strategy principles in the modern society. This unique blend enables her to navigate the complexities of account management within a human resources framework, optimizing budgetary allocations and enhancing operational efficiencies. 

Crystal is passionate about fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and her efforts have resulted in more inclusive and cohesive teams. Crystal stays at the forefront of HR trends and best practices, ensuring that her strategies are not only effective but also forward-thinking. With a results-driven mindset, Crystal has implemented successful employee development programs and streamlined HR processes, making her a valuable asset to any organization looking to optimize its human capital for success both internally and externally.